Kali linux virtual box download
Kali linux virtual box download

kali linux virtual box download

This is what you’ll get once you click on the start button Step 15: Go to VirtualBox Manager and make sure that Kali Linux is selected and then click on the Start button. Step 14: If you want to make any other changes to this virtual machine, you can do that right now, and then when you’re done you can click on the OK button. Choose a disk file and this is where you need to go to your Downloads folder, where you’ve downloaded the ISO image file, select the ISO image file and then click on open. Step 13: Click on Storage and inside Storage, you want to select the empty disk, then click on the little disk on the right-hand side. Step 11: Then under System, go to the Processors tab and select 4. Step 10: Click on the System button, go to the Base memory tab under Motherboard, and select 4GB. Step 9: For the hard disk space, select 30GB, and then click on Create. Step 8: Select dynamically allocated and click Next.

kali linux virtual box download kali linux virtual box download

Step 7: Select VDI (Virtual Disk Image) and click Next. Step 6: Select Create a Virtual Hark Disk File and click Create. Step 5: In the memory size, select 4GB and click Next.

Kali linux virtual box download