Where is my rss feed
Where is my rss feed

where is my rss feed where is my rss feed

Player FM * (You must register an account with them to import our private RSS)Īuthentication is a process of confirming identity by providing valid credentials for verification, such as a username and password.Apps with an asterisk (*) indicate that the app is a paid service and they may also offer ad-free streaming. Apps that will work with your custom audio RSSīelow are the iOS and Android apps that work with Patreon. These instructions come from other sources and not Patreon. Each podcast app differs in how you add the link to their player, so we’ve provided the instructions for some of the most commonly used apps in the list of apps that will work below. You can copy your RSS link and use the subscribe feature on your podcast app of choice. How to subscribe to your RSS link on a podcast app If you don’t have an RSS link in the places mentioned above, it means that your creator hasn’t enabled Audio RSS on Patreon. Patreon App: go to the creator’s page and tap on Overview → Get audio RSS link.Click the Copy RSS link button to copy the link to your clipboard, and paste it into your podcast app or RSS app of choice If the creator has enabled RSS, you’ll have a Private RSS link section near the bottom of the page. Desktop and mobile web: your RSS link can be found on the My membership tab of the creator’s Patreon page.Email: If your creator has enabled RSS subscription links, you should have received an email with your private RSS link with the subject, Here's your confirmation for.If your creators has enabled our RSS link feature, you’ll be able to find your unique RSS link in these three places: Your RSS link allows you to listen to a creator's posts on the go and on your favorite podcast app! Where can I find my RSS link? On Patreon, creators can enable RSS feeds for patrons that deliver audio uploaded directly on Patreon, and often specific to the tier(s) they offer. It’s a great way to subscribe to a source of information or entertainment, such as a podcast, and get updates delivered to you. RSS is short for Really Simple Syndication.

where is my rss feed

Getting started with your RSS link What is RSS? More information about your private RSS link and feed.How to find the episodes once subscribed.Apps that will work with your custom audio RSS.If you subscribe to a creator who shares audio posts, you may have access to a unique RSS feed to listen on the go - keep reading to find out out more.

Where is my rss feed